Spring Planting Seeds in the Gardens

I have lots of heirloom second or third generation seeds from last year.
This weekend we planted peas, beans, pumpkins, carrots, kale and acorn squash all from these seeds. I also have cucumber and tomato starts from a local business in town who have heirloom organic plants.

Thanks so much also to all my friends and family who came out and helped with the gardening and taking care of the chickens. Jules, Lorna, Sacha and Karen all helped me and now we have 8 raised garden beds full of plants ready for the Spring and Summer growing season

The Kale does really well almost all year round and the carrots are in many different colours which is a lot of fun because its always a surprise when we pick them. The peas beans and cucumbers all like to climb on frames I have made from fencing against the backs of the beds.